Wednesday, February 2, 2011

maybe there's hope for me yet

Every second Friday, the women at the YMCA Vocational School (along with the two male students) have PE for their first block of the day.  Madame Emilia, the principal, asked Nolan to lead it this week so we trucked over 3 soccer balls and played a totally chaotic game of 4-corners soccer.

These ladies mean business.  Sandals were flying, people were barefoot, balls were on the roof, girls were falling and I was in sheer terror.  If you know me, you know that I am not the sportiest, per se, and that athletic equipment flying through the air gives me the willies.  Multiply that by 3 (for the three soccer balls) and 50 Ghanaian women who took no prisoners and I crumbled into fetal position within 10 seconds.  But!  Amidst my scurrying around and trying to look busy I scored a goal!  Whether it was strategically planned or just that I happened to coincidentally stick my foot out for the ball to bounce off is irrelevant... that was my very first goal I can ever remember in any sport I’ve ever played.  Sad and awesome all rolled into one.


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